Showing posts with label GNS3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GNS3. Show all posts

Friday, June 17, 2016

Syslog-ng & GNS3

Continuing from the previous NTP post, our GNS3 topology hasn't changed except for UbtSvr:


I created a working syslog-ng server on UbtSvr2 long before I did the NTP post so, to make sure I don't miss a step or forget to mention something I did to get it working, I've gone ahead and created a brand new Ubuntu server in VirtualBox named UbtSvr3. The default route and ip address on UbtSvr3 is the same as UbtSvr2 in the previous NTP post. Nothing else has changed.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Setting up an NTP Server... Revisited

Setting up an Ubuntu NTP Server in preparation for creating a syslog-ng server. 


I’m working on creating a syslog-ng server on UbtSvr2 to capture events from routers in my GNS3 environment. The first step is having correct time on all devices; this isn’t important for syslog to function but its nice to associate syslog events with the current date and time – which my devices don’t have:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

BGP RIB-failure

So, you’re following along in a lab configuring BGP and your “show ip bgp” reveals a RIB-failure…

R1 rib failure

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Squeeze Your Flash…

Can’t get rid of a file in flash?

Copying Multiple Config Files onto a Router



I have several config files (about 30) for each of 6 devices – that’s 180 configs files that I don’t want to manually move over. Not only would it be exhausting and error prone, I know it would take some time to do. I want to move these to the devices so I can quickly move through some TShoot labs without having to tftp each config file for each lab individually. Doing the later would also require each device to have connectivity to the tftp server at all times – it’s just not functional. So, instead, I’d rather have all the config files for each lab already installed in flash so I can quickly “configure replace” as I move through each lab.

Monday, February 11, 2013

HSRP Troubleshooting

From: GNS3 Vault (1) Thanks to Rene Molenaar for taking the time to post these practice labs on his site.

  • Router New York, New Jersey and LA are configured for HSRP so router Host has a virtual gateway IP address.
  • Fix HSRP so router NewYork, NewJersey and LA are in the same HSRP Group and form a single virtual gateway.
  • Each HSRP router should be able to become the active router and forward IP packets from the host to the ISP.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Installing SDM on a Virtual Machine and 3725 Router (GNS3)

(as a personal reference dedicated to Nanook)

The router configs for this post came from “Installing SDM” (1) YouTube video posted by "Cisco Learning Institute" (CSSIAdotORG)

I'm installing SDM-V25 (Cisco’s Security Device Manager) on a c3725 in GNS3 from a WinServer 2008 VM. I’m sure you can use an XP VM to do this. Note that SDM is EoL (End-of-Life) and is replaced (?) by CCP (Cisco Configuration Professional)… but I believe, at this time, SDM is still in the CCNA Security curriculum (?). See:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Basics: Switches, VirtualBox and GNS3

Getting your physical switches to talk to virtual machines and GNS3 routers.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Duplex Mismatch

I’ve had this happen several times, I connect a 3725 to a 3640 using slot 0 (f0/0) and bam, duplex mismatch… no matter how many times I configure “duplex full” on each interface, one of them goes back to half-duplex. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

BGP choosing longer AS_Path as preferred route...

The following network might look familiar if you’re going through the 642-902 book; and, if you are following the reading by configuring the examples in GNS3, you will find an omission which isn’t discussed until several sections later (that discussion does not clarify the problem as there is no mention of a problem with the example… but there is problem!)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

no parser cache ...

I was configuring bgp earlier today and incorrectly entered an ip address in the neighbor statement… something like:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Redistribution with a Route Map

(or, how I forgot to remember to change the loopback network type and will remember to never forget in the future...)

The goal is to redistribute OSPF into EIGRP while preventing routes L1, L2, L4,& L6 in OSPF 50 Area 3 from being redistributed (these routes are configured as loopbacks on R3); All EIGRP routes are to be redistributed into OSPF.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Configuring SuperPuTTY for GNS3

Host…………………….Win7 Pro
GNS3 version………….0.8.1
–note, you must have putty installed (i.e. the putty.exe file)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Setting key chain time-based authentication for EIGRP in GNS3…

My lifetime config on all routers:
R(config-keychain-key)# accept-lifetime 06:00:00 May 9 2012 infinite
R(config-keychain-key)# send-lifetime 06:00:00 May 9 2012 infinite
  • GNS3 0.8.1
  • VirtualBox 4.1.6
  • Still using the same topology from ntp server post:
  • Global config command clock save interval hours crashed the routers... so I'm not using this as a soloution.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Setting a VirtualBox XP Machine as an NTP Server in GNS3

The following is how I set an xp vm to act as an ntp authoritative time server for a LAN within GNS3. This took some time and yes, I know that setting one of the routers as the ntp server is much easier to do… but where’s the fun in that? This is just something I was fooling around with and how I got it to work.