Friday, June 17, 2016

Syslog-ng & GNS3

Continuing from the previous NTP post, our GNS3 topology hasn't changed except for UbtSvr:


I created a working syslog-ng server on UbtSvr2 long before I did the NTP post so, to make sure I don't miss a step or forget to mention something I did to get it working, I've gone ahead and created a brand new Ubuntu server in VirtualBox named UbtSvr3. The default route and ip address on UbtSvr3 is the same as UbtSvr2 in the previous NTP post. Nothing else has changed.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Setting up an NTP Server... Revisited

Setting up an Ubuntu NTP Server in preparation for creating a syslog-ng server. 


I’m working on creating a syslog-ng server on UbtSvr2 to capture events from routers in my GNS3 environment. The first step is having correct time on all devices; this isn’t important for syslog to function but its nice to associate syslog events with the current date and time – which my devices don’t have:

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

EIGRP Feasibility Condition



R1 has both a successor and a Feasible successor for R3 L3 ( and R2 L2 (

But, when looking at the EIGRP Topology Table for R2 and R3, there isn't a Feasible successor for R3 L3 ( nor for R2 L2 ( - what's the deal?!

It's probably due to the feasibility condition